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Fav Friday Spring Fashion


One of my new years resolution was to be more regular with my postings. Sometimes that is so hard with raising a fourteen year old. Who is involved in Boy Scouts, Basketball, Seminary, and High School. Not to mention working a full time job, running my blog, and freelancing illustrations on the side hehe.

Yes it’s true sometimes I too feel like I’m going crazy balancing so much! So, if your a busy mom too your not alone I totally get it too. Just typing all of that make me want to take a nap and visit the spa haha (hey I can dream).

However, one thing I want to be more regular about is posting more and posting my Favorite things every Friday! Yup that’s right Fave Fridays every Friday. Now that I’ve typed that here that means I should be holding myself more accountable for doing so hehe.

So, my first Favorite Friday of 2016 here it is. All spring inspired and flower inspired. Have you been noticing a theme on my blog lately or what hehehe ? As always thanks for stopping by my blog and until next time! 🙂

